Thank you to all the pupils who helped make a wonderful card for Peace. Christmas in Uganda is very different, it is celebrated but the emphasis is on going to church & celebrating Jesus’ birth rather than trees, presents and turkey! The weather of course is much hotter too, Peace will have never seen ice or snow. December is also the end of term and her Christmas holidays will be much longer, more like our summer ones. The Government run schools also closed early due to the Ebola outbreak which is being contained but it was felt it was safer to close schools early.

Mrs Berry will also be sending her a small gift from the school, a dress, sweets, book, bag & t-shirt. It would be great if EVERYONE could bring in some money to help pay for the present & the postage. 

World Vision also sent us a Christmas card, thanking us for our continued support.

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Telephone: +353 (047) 83070
Mobile: +353 (086) 057 7885

The Model School, North Road,
Monaghan, Ireland